This book was first introduced in a class of my Fulbright exchanging period. I was deeply moved by pedagogy introduced in the book and also puzzled by how it could come to life, Inspired by the American “everything is possible” culture, I wrote to the author. Surprisingly, I got invitation to stay for a night with her and observe her class…
The book starts with an illustration of how discussion was fostered in the classroom- making connections through events that children encounter in the class, taking care of each other’s feeling aligning two simple and concrete classroom rules - be kind and work hard (because we want to flourish as a whole).
資深AI 應用人程世嘉以麻瓜也可以懂的語言爲一般民眾提供了許多破解AI的迷思與實際的應對策略。這兩個月他也頻繁的進行宣傳,跟幾位知名的主持人進行了很精彩的對談。(有這些不同領域的對談真的很拓展思維)
這些思維是對未知恐懼的解放,對於進入未來有個堅實的立足點。 感覺振奮人心 ! References:
Winnie ChiuAn enthusiastic ELT/CLIL teacher, passionate educator, researcher, teacher trainer, Apple Teacher. Seesaw ambassador and curriculum developer. Archives
September 2024