看了前幾頁的人物介紹以及地圖,老實說這些並沒有特別吸引我。等著書一開始,拾參和他夥伴們的語言生動的呈現了北地曠野孩子的生活與氣慨,我開始佩服作者的功力。等到相關人物一個個登場,我開始感受到這個故事在時間軸上鋪陳三位一體的禪學抑或是道學。 最後一章,真的讓我淚流不止。一個十三歲的孩子,竟得領悟這樣的人生道理,做出那樣的選擇,實在令人心碎。父母輩的業,為什麼要孩子來承擔?累世的業又要何時才會停止?什麼是開悟?何時又是個頭? 面對人性之惡,拾參與雅庫最後的一句「生生世世不再為人」,很是令人震撼。這樣對人的鄙視與反叛,讓西遊記裡的老孫,更加迷人了! Monica Burns in her new episode 10 tools for creating quizzes
(classstechtips.com) curated 10 tools for teachers. Not only in creating quizzes, they could be use in different part of the teaching or prepping process. Some AI tools that I have been using heavily with my class are Edpuzzle: Multiple questions are great to check the students’ understanding of visual input. Videos provide better context with just a few pictures. I also love how it allows open ended questions with written or oral responses. It is even workable for middle/lower graders. Chatgpt and Claude: It is amazing when I start to test their limits. During the prepping process, I can basically discuss/test different teaching ideas with these two bots. It is efficient in the brainstorming stage and it is powerful to generate ideas. Burns’ suggestions regarding how to more effectively use them with prompts are very useful. I might include information like,
There are some great AI tools that I tend to use less in the class such as Kahoot!: it’s very exciting with the competition and multiple choice questions. I found, though, in my class, the students tend to bash in short-term excitement and lose the focus for deep thinking and discussion. Perhaps I need to try a different way to moderate the process. Tools that I wish to try in the next semester: Diffit: Supposedly, it creates supplemental resources for indicated grade levels. I am not sure yet about its data pool. I hope it will also work for our students outside of the US. Briskteaching: It is another quizzical generating tool with chord extension. (It feels to me the class time is filled with quizzes for the students…) I have also read other teachers’ positive comments of such tool. When I tested it, it seems more useful for more mature students with complex contents. Socrative: Like Mentimeter and Peardeck, their interactive features allow teachers to monitor students’ real time progress. It could work perfectly in a discussion class. MagicSchool: Like Twee, it’s a platform containing lots of tools such image/voice generator, speech-to-text, video script… for teachers. They don’t come free. For teachers who mostly create their own teaching contents without textbooks, it is wonderful and time saving. |
Winnie ChiuAn enthusiastic ELT/CLIL teacher, passionate educator, researcher, teacher trainer, Apple Teacher. Seesaw ambassador and curriculum developer. Archives
September 2024